Efficacy of basil leaves

You who live in the land of Sunda must be familiar with this lemon-scented plants. Basil is very popular in the cuisines of Indonesia, in the rice side dish Betawi, in ulukutek Leunca of Sunda, in rice krawu East Java, and Manado in complete mush.

Although inexpensive and commonly found, basil is also called Lemon Basil proved to have properties very much.

Smeared with red onion stew basil and coconut oil on the abdomen, chest, and back turned out to relieve flatulence and colds. If you have problem body odor and bad breath, eating fresh basil or basil drink boiled water, beluntas leaf, and turmeric can be overcome.

According to John Henry M. in his book "A Dictionary of Practical Medical Materials", basil efficacious cure indigestion, breast pain, and kidney stones. In addition, basil can also be overcome influenza, menstrual disorders, ear pain and headaches / migraines, intestinal infections, and neurological disorders. Not only that, the scent of basil can reject a mosquito bite.

For men, 1-8 cineol compounds in basil to overcome premature ejaculation problems, and substance argininnya can enhance endurance of sperm as well as preventing infertility. As for women, anetol compounds, boron, eugenol, and stigmaasterolnya able to stimulate the hormone estrogen, kill the fungi that cause vaginal discharge, as well as stimulate egg maturation.

Basil oil concoction function against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enteritidis, and Escherichia coli, ward off infection from the virus Basillus subtilis, Salmonella paratyph, and Proteus vulgaris.
Not only that, the substance of flavonoids in basil able to protect the body's cell structure and act as a natural antibiotic. Basil is also rich in beta-carotene, and magnesium, essential minerals that work to preserve and maintain heart health.

In the field of beauty, and basil can be distilled essential oil fraction is taken as a mixture of materials for the manufacture of drugs or treatments such as soaps, prickly perfume, body moisturizer, and aromatherapy oils. However, the use of basil as a massage oil should not be applied to pregnant women.

If mixed with scrub, basil can stimulate blood circulation in the body so that the skin smooth and shiny, and cure acne and hair loss.

Surprised with the efficacy of basil which ? What are you waiting, immediately enter the basil in your daily menu.

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